Time for another post .. after months
A lot happened again, lost motivation at work, had a nice holiday and a friend came to visit for several months due to personal poblems and I gave him a place to stay. Unfortunately that also halted many tasks I actually planned, which can now resume, as my house is mine alone again.
Another big factor is my resumed motivation, which also shows at work.
For the next days I plan to resume work on the website while at the same time use this blog as a diary to note down the progress in my sport activities … we‘ll see what comes round. I’ve got the new Apple Watch 10, which actually showed me how bad my overall condition is, so that’s where the need and motivation for sport comes from. I also combine that with gaming, as my VR setup allows it and gaming while on the bicycle, the indoor one, help keep going for me.
Now then, to the diary section:
Design a Diffusor for my new LED strip that illuminates the new sofa and print it
Build the new setup for the pc and work
Gran Tourismo
Star Rail
Remnant 2
Beat Saber
10 Push-Ups
5 min weight training
1h walking - 4.7km
25 min Beat Saber
15 min bicycle